Product wear part Construction Surface Trencher
Product attachment Construction wheel loader

Mining Crusher Picks For Wales

16th Mar 2022

Shipment of mining crusher picks for a hardworking Welsh roadheader

An underground coal mine in Wales contacted Enstruc to manufacture replacement crusher picks and spray boxes for their mining roadheader equipment.

The mining crusher picks have a solid steel shank and heavier tungsten carbide tip for increased cutting productivity. The pick box has been engineered to spray water over the cutting pick to keep it cool under extreme heat, and it helps with dust suppression.

Enstruc’s range of mining cutting picks and conicals feature high-grade materials and geometries that result in high daily outputs, high feed rates, and longer service life. Standard and customised carbide tip shapes, shank body types, block designs, retention systems, and dedicated carbide grades are available for all cutting and drilling requirements including:

  • Underground mining picks
  • Foundation drilling picks
  • Surface trenching picks
  • Road milling picks


We have years of experience working with earthmoving operators and processors to determine the best possible carbide pick cutting solution for your equipment and environment. Every cutting pick is supplied on your specific operating requirements. We can customise the carbide tool to deliver the most service hours for you.

Contact our sales team at for more information.

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